Is Your Tattoo Healing Right? Find Out Now!

Hamza Umer

What Goes into Proper Tattoo Care?

Caring for your new tattoo is important for its quality and your health. There are many things to watch out for, so fully commit to ensure nothing happens to it. Directly after getting a new tattoo, give it time to heal.

Don’t remove the bandages until the proper amount of time passed as advised by your tattoo artist. Avoid sunlight as it can ruin the quality of the art. Keep your new tattoo area clean and avoid places like gyms and pools.

Wash bedsheets to ensure no infection on your skin. Following proper tattoo aftercare steps helps in healing properly, but look out for signs to ensure it is truly happening.

How Do I Know My Tattoo is Healing Properly?-The Answer

[su_note note_color=”#D3D3D3″ radius=”6″]As long as the itchy sensation isn’t unbearable, it’s fine. Try to avoid itching as it can slow down healing. In the healing process, the area around the tattoo will begin to peel. The tattoo itself shouldn’t peel off, but the skin inked over or the skin around might peel off as the natural end of the healing process.[/su_note]

How do I know if my tattoo is healing properly

How Do I Know My Tattoo is Healing Properly?

If your tattoo is healing properly, you will notice certain things happening. Healing as it should, your tattoo will have some irritation. After you remove bandaging after the allotted amount of time recommended by your artist, the skin around the tattoo may be red, secreting fluid, or ink dripping off.

This is part of the normal healing process. The tattoo wound may itch as wounds itch during healing. As long as the itchy sensation isn’t unbearable, it’s fine. Try to avoid itching as it can slow down healing. In the healing process, the area around the tattoo will begin to peel.

The tattoo itself shouldn’t peel off, but the skin inked over or the skin around might peel off as the natural end of the healing process.

Signs of Improper Tattoo Healing

While things above are signs of a proper tattoo healing process, there are certain things to look out for that may indicate something has gone wrong in the healing process. Some prominent signs include unusual redness, excessive swelling, or a fever developing around the tattooed area.

If you notice any of these signs, it is crucial to seek advice from your tattoo artist or a medical professional to ensure your tattoo heals correctly.


When you have received a tattoo, it’s possible to experience an allergic reaction. Some people may not realize they are allergic to certain inks. After getting a tattoo, their skin might react negatively. Look for signs of an allergic reaction, such as redness, swelling, or itching.

How do I know if my tattoo is healing properly

If you notice these signs, consult your tattoo artist or a healthcare professional immediately.

Swollen Skin

During the normal healing process, the skin around your tattoo may swell. However, if this swelling remains for a long period of time, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction. Another sign of an allergic reaction is inflammation around the tattoo. Keep an eye on these symptoms to ensure your tattoo is healing correctly.


If you notice breaking out into hives after getting a tattoo, it’s a clear cut sign of an allergic reaction taking place. Hives can start long after the tattoo is first received. If you experience breaking out into hives, it is recommended to seek medical assistance immediately.


A clear sign that your tattoo is not healing properly is if the oozing around the tattoo continues after a week has passed. While a tattoo healing normally will ooze at the beginning of the healing process, this should only take place within the first few days.

Fever Chills

If you find yourself developing a fever soon after getting a tattoo, it could mean an allergic reaction to the ink or that your tattoo is infected. Your body might be trying to fight the infection. In this scenario, it is crucial to go see a doctor as soon as you can.

How To Tell If This is a Medical Emergency

Though any signs of complications are serious enough to seek medical assistance, some things are dead giveaways that something very wrong is happening. You should immediately go see a doctor if you notice these symptoms.

How do I know if my tattoo is healing properly

Flu-Like Symptoms

If you notice flu-like symptoms after getting your tattoo, it might be infected. Look for oozing odd-colored liquids like green or yellow and if you are feeling under the weather. An infection can be dangerous, so if you notice these signs, go to a doctor right away.

Allergic Reactions

Common allergic reactions can occur if you are allergic to tattoo ink. Hives, extreme itchiness, and extreme irritation are clear signs that something dangerous is happening. If you develop any of these extreme symptoms, go see a doctor before it gets worse.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I tell if my tattoo is healing?

The healing process has four distinct stages. First is oozing and redness with a bandage from your tattoo artist. Then, itching as the wounds heal. In the second, third, and fourth weeks, your tattoo will begin to peel. Proper aftercare is crucial.

Is my tattoo infected or just healing?

After getting a tattoo, experiencing mild discomfort and skin irritation is normal. However, if you notice symptoms like a bumpy rash, pus, pain, or fever, these could be signs of an infected tattoo. This can happen if bacteria or germs are transmitted through the skin due to unsterile tattoo tools, products, or poor sanitary practices.

What messes up tattoo healing?

To help your tattooed skin heal properly, ensure your skin gets enough air. Too much petroleum jelly or aftercare product can suffocate the skin and lead to infection. Treat it like an open wound; avoid dust and water to prevent bacteria from entering and multiplying.

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